Garbage Collection Change

We will be ending our contract with Waste Managment on March 29, 2022.  The Board has decided to contract with Johns Disposal out of Whitewater.  This should provide much better service for our community.  We will be posting additonal information on this website in the near future.  Waste Management will be collecting the carts your currently use and Johns will be dropping New Carts at a later date.  

Please ensure you keep your eye on out website, as we will post additional information and direction. 

Fire-EMS Services Press Conference Information (Click Here)

Fire/EMS Press Conference Press Sheet

Milwaukee Journal Sentinal Article

The link to the FIRE and EMS Press Conference.


Milwaukee Journal Sentinal Recent Artical

Channel 3000 Press Conference Coverage





Election Reminder for 2021

There are no elections for the remainder of 2021.  For anyone that would like to receive absentee ballots in 2022 you will have to request those on or after January 1, 2022.



Internet in Your Area and speed?

I am on the County Committee that is looking to improve the internet speed in Rock County and my focus is on the Town of Harmony.  I need to get feedback from people around the Township as to what speed you have and if it is slow, is there another Internet Provider in your area that can give you faster speed?  I live on Kennedy Road.  Our provider that we had two years ago could get us only 4 megabits per second.   That is below poor.  We checked around and found one that can provide Up to 100 mbps.  We signed up and on the average it provides around 50 mbps.  That is enough to run 3 or 4 computers and stream on the TV without problems.  In order to check your speed, go to google and type in Check my internet speed.  and this example comes up.

Run the Test and this next screen comes up and gives you your download and upload speed.  This is the speed from your provider to your computer.  Don’t check your wifi speed as this has more to do with your router than it does about the speed that is needed.  Let me know via an emial to townclerk@townofharmonycom. Thanks, Tim Tollefson


FIRE/EMS, We Want to Hear Your Questions, Comments and Suggestions

Did you know that 42% of your 2021 Town of Harmony taxes go to pay Fire and EMS?  We have set up an E-mail address for questions, comments and suggestions with regard to the Fire/EMS services.  If your not up to date, please read through the postings regarding the break up with the Milton/Milton Township Fire Department.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please send us an E-mail and a couple times a week we will try to answer them.  Please ensure you give us your Name and Address in the subject line.  Those that are received without a Name and Address in the subject line will be filed without reading.  Do not attach anything to the email as it will get kicked into spam and deleted.  Here is the E-Mail address

[email protected] 



Fire/EMS UPDATE Town of Milton Purchases Land for New Fire Department 4-6-2021

The Town of Milton has purchased 6 acres of land East of Hwy 26 and Just off Hwy 59.  Please see the press release from the Fredrick’s Family the previous owner of the parcel and a map showing the location of the purchase.



The link below is a powerpoint we made up to first update the Board Members at the meeting on April 5th.  Please view this powerpoint to get updated on what is happening with our Fire/EMS service.  Let me also say this, We are contracted for coverage through the end of this year and we will have coverage next year.  That is what we are working through at this time.