Absentee Ballot Update 03-27-20

Today is Friday March 27th.  I have mailed out about 450 absentee applications thus far, mailing out the same day I receive by 8pm and doing drops at the post office prior to the trucks leaving for Milwaukee.  As of this typing all absentees are in the mail.  I will be working the whole weekend to ensure that all absentees I receive hit the post off that day.  Those that put in for an absentee this weekend, we still should be able to get these to you and back to me provided you vote the ballot and mail back ASAP.  For those that do not want or can not upload a copy of your ID (License or State ID) you can drop off a copy of these at my house.  At the bottom of my driveway there is a gate on the fence where we enter the house, on that gate is a tan box where you can place the copies of the ID.  You can simply write your name and address on the photo copy an write that you would like an absentee.  I check this box through out the day.  This will also save time in not mailing the request to me.  The office building is locked over the weekend so please don’t attempt to drop off at the hall.  I will be working there but not sure what times.  I would like to see us get to around 700 absentee ballots out and back to me.  That would be almost half of our registered voters.  Should you have questions please call my office number 608-563-4477 as I will be checking this over the weekend and will try to get back to everyone.  Here is my address.

5818 N Kennedy Road

Milton WI 53563     Again, place the requests in the tan box that is located by the gate where we enter the basement.  Thank you!!

Tim Tollefson


Absentee Voting and covid19 Update 03-22-2020

Absnetee Voting Updated 03-27-2020 This note covers absentee voting by mail and in-person absentee voting.  This information may change daily or even quicker as things are changing by the minute.

As of Monday March 23rd In-Person absentee voting at my office will consist of dropping off written applications for absentee voting.  Applications for absentee voting are on the link below.  A copy of your ID, such as a drivers license or state id is required with that written application.  Applications should be placed in an envelope and slid under the door.  Over the weekend please place requests at my home in a tan box that is located at the bottom of my driveway next to the gate that enters my basement.  I will mail absentee ballots to all that apply and qualify.  Be sure to put your phone number on the application.  There is still plenty of time to do this by mail.


For those that can, I recommend that you go to www.myvote.wi.gov and apply for an absentee.  Yes, you may have to download a picture of your ID.  If you feel uncomforatble with downloading a copy, then you will need to follow the previous directions to drop off at my office or mail to my office at 440 N Hwy 14, Janesville WI 53546

You can also send me an email to [email protected] with either an application and copies of your ID or just a simple request saying (I am requesting an absentee ballot for the next election) Listing your full names and addresses along with copies of your IDs.

For those who are not have access to a computer and call into my office, I will send them an absentee ballot application in the mail.  

I am awaiting further direction from The Wisconsin Election Commission, The Rock County Health Department and the Wisconsin Towns Association concerning this election.  As more information is gathered things may change, so please check this message often.  I also ask that you use Facebook, Twitter and any other social media to get the word out on absentee voting.  Tell your neighbors by phone to sign up for updates on our website, this is the exact reason our residents should be signed up.  This is what the subscription is designed for.

On election day the voting experiance is going to be much different than in the past.  I would expect extended wait times due to polling places running on skeleton crews, rules on keeping your distance of at least 6 feet while in line, and the possiblility of having to wait outside the building as we must limit the number of people allowed in the building.  Also, we will only allow voters to enter the front of the building and exit through the back door to limit exposure, except for those with a disablity that limits their mobility.  On top of that, something I never ever thought I would have to mention, the smell of disinfectants in the room as we continue to sanitize the room through out the day. As we get closer to the election I will put additional information on this website as to what to expect.

We have entered a different time, and I hope that we will return to normal times sooner than later.  I encourage all of you to please share this post with everyone you know in Harmony.  I am working 12 to 16 hours a day right now to keep up with the absentee applications I am receiving and I am getting out all ballots in the mail the same day I receive the applications.  I have talked with the post offices in the area and I know when to have ballots to the post office to hit the next truck going to the postal distribution center in Milwaukee so the speed up the delivery.    I am working to set up the town hall so we can limit exposure to everyone and continue to sanitize everything.  

Everyone stay healthy and safe.


Tim Tollefson



GET ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER and what ever social media is out there and let your friends know that they can sign up to have an absentee ballot mailed to them.  I want to ensure everyone is able to vote in a safe envirorment.  We have taken action here at the hall to keep it safe, but the safest way to vote right now is via the US mail.  Let your friends know they need to get on to www.myvote.wi.gov and get signed up now while there is plenty of time to get things through the mail.


Tim Tollefson



Last night (March 20th) a judge determined that in this state of emergency voters may still register on line at www.myvote.wi.gov .  By state law this was to end on March 18th.  You can now register on-line till March 31st.  Please take advantage of this and register today.


Tim Tollefson

Absentee Voting and covid19 Update

Posted Saturday March 21st   Absentee Voting.  While I am putting together a plan for in-person absentee voting for the remainder of this election I highly recommend that everyone us the absentee voting by mail option.  www.myvote.wi.gov is the fastest way to apply for an absentee ballot to be issued by mail.  Within seconds of the voter submitting the requests, the request hits my computer.  You may have to upload a copy of your ID such as your drivers license or state id. You have till April 2nd to request an absentee ballot by mail, however the faster you do this the better, as mailing times vary.  I am working hard to ensure I mail all ballots on the same day I receive the request and at this point I have met that goal.  As of this morning all 300 plus requests have been processed the same day I received them and in the mail.  This is the prefered method for voting absentee. 

A little about Security.  I have had a number of residents concerned over uploading a copy of their drivers license or state ID.  We all worry about things like this.  I can say that the Wisconsin Election Commission site is one of the most secure sites out there.  The information you are uploading is already within Wisconsin’s data base.  The Election Commission just bounces the information you submit against what is already there.

On Sunday evening I will post information on the in-person absentee voting hours and how it will work.  I am working with the County and other local municipalities to find the safest method of in-person absentee voting to protect the voters and election officials. 

Thank you and stay safe

Tim Tollefson   

Bulk Pick up and Garbage Collection updates Due to covid19

Please see the attached notice from Advanced Disposal the Town’s Refuse and Recyling Contractor.  Basicly the letter says that all items must be containerized.  Items or bags left outside the container will NOT be collected until further notice.  Also bulk pickup has been suspended till further notice.  



In Person Absentee Voting is being suspended

As of March 19th, 2020 I am suspending in-person absentee voting until Monday March 23rd when I will start in-person absentee voting by appointment only.  Please watch for details on this over the weekend.  The county office and federal office in our building have basicly closed to their customers and are doing only URGENT business that can not wait.  By doing in-person absentee by appointment I can have all your material pulled and ready for you when you arrive and will limit exposure to everyone.  I am committed to getting everyone that wants to vote the opportunity to vote in a safe enviroment. 

Absentee voting by mail is still happening.  I know that some incorrect information went out in the press that March 18th was the last day for absentee by mail.  You can request an absentee ballot be mailed to you by going to www.myvote.wi.gov

You can request an absentee ballot by email to me at [email protected] with your full name, address and a copy of your picture ID such as a drivers license.  

I ensure that all absentee requests are mailed on the same day I receive the request.  

I will post more details on the in-person absentee voting this weekend so please watch for this.  Things are changing fast so this is my plan at this time.  As we move forward these plans may change also, so again please watch for details.  

Thanks for your understanding

Tim Tollefson


In Person Absentee Voting is being suspended

As of March 19th, 2020 I am suspending in-person absentee voting until Monday March 23rd when I will start in-person absentee voting by appointment only.  Please watch for details on this over the weekend.  The county office and federal office in our building have basicly closed to their customers and are doing only URGENT business that can not wait.  By doing in-person absentee by appointment I can have all your material pulled and ready for you when you arrive and will limit exposure to everyone.  I am committed to getting everyone that wants to vote the opportunity to vote in a safe enviroment. 

Absentee voting by mail is still happening.  I know that some incorrect information went out in the press that March 18th was the last day for absentee by mail.  You can request an absentee ballot be mailed to you by going to www.myvote.wi.gov

You can request an absentee ballot by email to me at [email protected] with your full name, address and a copy of your picture ID such as a drivers license.  

I ensure that all absentee requests are mailed on the same day I receive the request.  

I will post more details on the in-person absentee voting this weekend so please watch for this.  Things are changing fast so this is my plan at this time.  As we move forward these plans may change also, so again please watch for details.  

Thanks for your understanding

Tim Tollefson


Town of Harmony Property Assessments

Due to the covid19 virus outbreak and with concern for everyones health, the Town’s Assessor is going to be altering how things are done with assessments.  Please read the letter below from J&D Pounder and it explains what is happening.  Should you have any questions on this process please feel free to call the number on the attached letter.  



Spring Primary/Presidential Preference Election 4-7-20

Update, Today March 18th is the last day to register to vote electronicly at  www.myvote.wi.gov .  After today you can register only at the polling location when you vote either on election day or if you come in to vote in-person absentee.  If you register in person you will need to bring your ID and proof of residence.  If your drivers license address matches your current address that is all that is needed.

I wanted to update everyone on the election on April 7.  Many of our residents may feel uncomfortable coming to vote  on election day with the current concerns over covid 19.  On election day and prior, all of our election inspectors will be working hard to keep the town hall clean and wiped down through out the day. For those voting on election day you may bring your own Black or Blue pen to vote.  Sorry NO gel pens can be used to vote. 

 I wanted to let you know some of your options for voting in case you feel uncomfortable with voting on election day.

1. Go to myvote.wi.gov and request an absentee ballot.  Within seconds of requesting a ballot I receive notification of your request and I will be mailing ballots on the same day I recieve your request.  You may have to download a copy of your ID if there is not one registered on file.  You can use your phone to take a picture of your ID and attach to the form.

2. Posted just below on this page is a copy of the absentee application.  You can fill this form out and Email it to me.  I do need a copy of your ID emailed with this form.  

If you request an absentee be mailed to you, please take into consideration mailing time.  I find that it may take 3 to 4 days in the mail each way.  So please request your ballot as soon as possible.  Again, the day I receive your application is the day your ballot is in the mail.  



3. I will be conducting in-person absentee voting at the Town Hall Mondays through Thursdays from 1pm to 5:30pm.  During the in-person absentee hours we have not experianced lines or crowds in the past.  I do ask that you call ahead of time to verify I am in the office.  From time to time I am pulled into meetings and may be out during some hours.  I am going to do everything to ensure I am in the office or an election inspector is in the office to take care of your needs.  In the event these times do not work for you, let me know.  I can make arrangements for other times.  

I will continue to update this section as I receive more information from the Wisconsin Election Commission.  We are receiving updates daily and should I recieve any information that needs to be shared I will post here.  

Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call or send an Email.  


Tim Tollefson Clerk


[email protected]