Ordinance 060616 Municipal Court
Ordinance 091119 Parking on Apollo Lane
Ordinance 011320 Kennedy Road 35 MPH Speedlimit
The Town Board passed Ordinance 060220B at the Town Board Meeting held on June 2, 2020 which puts the question on the ballot as to whether or not to make the treasurer position an appointed position in the Town of Harmony.
Ordinance-060220B-Treasurer Position to Appointed
Resolution 101220 that passed on October 12. Resolution supporting exceeding the State Levi Limit for 2020 paid in 2021 due to the Milton-Milton Township Fire Department raising the contracted price..
Ordinance 031422 Adding Conditional Uses to the A2 Zoning District
Ordinance 041122 Speed limit E Bingham Rd
The Town Board passed Ordinance 071122 at the Town Board Meeting and Public Hearing held on July 11th 2022. The Ordinance does not take effect till all signing is in place.
Ordinance 071122 ATVs Allowed on Town Roads
A Resolution was passed to use some of our reserve funds to help pay for the Townline Road project until the State reimburses the town for the grant, and then the reserve will be paid back. The resolution is below
Reserve Fund Resolution 71122A
Ordinance 081522 Adopting State Traffic Laws
The Town Board passed Ordinance 091222 for the size of accessory buildings. Accessory Buildings sizes are now based on the size of the parcel and not just the Zoning.
Ordinance 091222 Size of Accessory Buildings
Resolution 101022B was passed on October 10th 2022. The resolution states the Town Board will need to exceed the Levy Limit imposed the State of Wisconsin for the 2022 paid in 2023 to pay for the town's portion for the property to be used for the new East Fire Station.
Resolution to exceed Levy Limit 2022
Resolution 111422A was the resolution that was proposed at the Meeting of Electors on November 14th, 2022 at 6:30. This resolution was voted on and approved to exceed the levy limit by $30,000 in prep for the new fire Departments.
2022 Resolution 111422A to approve exceeding the levy Limit by $30,000
Resolution 111422B was for the electors to approve the total levy for 2022 to be collected in 2023.
2022 Resolution 111422B to approve the total town tax levy.
Resolution 061223 was passed at the June 12th, 2023 Town Board Meeting. In an effort to keep property taxes down in the Town, the Board committed the remaining ARPA funds to pay for the Town's portion of the capital expenses of the new Fire Department,
Resolution 061223 Committing ARPA Funds to Fire & Rescue
Ordinance 061223B was passed at the June 12th Town Board Meeting and Public Hearing. This Ordinance expands the number of Garage Doors that are permitted.
Ordinance 061223B Garage Doors
Ordinance 061223C was passed at the June 12th, 2023 Town Board Meeting and Public Hearing. This is a correction to Chapter 1 Section 15 of the Municipal Code for Tower Siting.
Correction to Tower Siting Ordinance 061223C
Ordinance 071023 was passed at the July 10th 2023 Town Board Meeting and Public Hearing, See below.
Property Maintenance Ordinance
Resolution 111323A was passed by the electors at the November 13th 2023 Meeting of Electors.
Resolution to accept the levy for 2023-24
Resolution 111223B to Release the remaining letter of credit for Stoney Ridge Subdivision
Resolution to Release Remaining Letter of Credit Funds Stoney Ridge
Ordinance 051324 Changing the Clerk Position to Appointed
Ordinance 051324 Changing the Clerk position to appointed
______________________________________________________________________________________________________Resolution 101424 for board to endorse an increase in the 2025 Levy
Resolution 101424 Board to endorse increase in Levy
Resolution 111124A To increase Levy for property taxes 2025