Covid Vaccinations Information UPDATED 02-19-2021

New Vacination Clinic Opens

Should you believe that you may have Covid, the testing sight is open at Blackhawk Technical College. I went for a test on Thursday Feb 18th.  It took only a couple of minutes and I received my test results in 24 hours.  Here is the info…

Free COVID-19 testing is available weekly on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. each day at Blackhawk Technical College – Central Campus, located at 6004 South County Highway G, Janesville WI. The first day of testing is October 21st and the last day of testing is March 10th. Please use the US Highway 51 entrance. Pre-registration is strongly recommended but the public can register themselves on-site if necessary. Please pre-register at Individuals who are elderly, and/or adults who are physically/developmentally disabled and need assistance registering online for COVID testing, can call the ADRC at 608-741-3600 during business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.) and receive help registering for a test.


As we are all aware, the vaccinations for Covid are becoming available.  In an effort to simplify the information and to get the info available to everyone, Rock County Health Department has partnered with Health Care Providers, and organizers to get the information of ffor who, what, where and when vaccinations are available.  As part of this team I will be providing this information to all Town Clerks in an effort to put this information into the hands of their residents.  In the very near future I will be posting information to this section of our website that will either give you the information you need to know or I will have links available or you to follow to get you to information on the availablilty of the vacination.  Please keep an eye on this location and spread the information via social media and let your neighbors know of any new information that may assist them.  Thank you. 

Tim Tollefson Clerk Town of Harmony.

February 16th Election Election Day Information

Election day for the Spring Primary is February 16th.  Voting hours are from 7am to 8pm on election day.  The voting location for the Town of Harmony is the Town Hall, located at 440 US Hwy 14, Janesville WI.  Located next to Silha Construction.  While this will not be anywhere near as busy at the November 2020 election we will be putting in place the same safety precautions as we used for all of the 2020 Elections.  We will allow only 3 voters in the Town Hall at a time, We will only allow 8 people in the hallway.  Voters will enter through the front door and exit through the back door.  We will have plexiglass shields in front of the election worker tables.  Social Distancing will be in effect.  Should you have any questions please feel free to call or send an email.


Tim Tollefson


February 16th Election In-Person Absentee Voting Hours

The in-person absentee voting for the February 16th Election starts on February 2nd.  Below is a list of days and hours my office will be open for this.  Be sure to bring your ID along to vote.

Tuesday Feb 2nd through Friday Feb 5th   1pm to 5pm

Monday Feb 8th through Friday Feb 12th  1pm to 5pm

In-person absentee ends at 5pm on Friday Night the 12th at 5pm.  

Thank you,

Tim Tollefson

Correct 2021 Waste Management Pick Up Schedule

The Waste Management pick up schedule that went out in the Tax Bills was incorrect.  W/M just sent me a new one and I have it posted above, below and I have posted it as a link in the the “News” notes to the right of this so you can print.  I am working to get Waste Management to mail out a new copy to all residents of Harmony.


Recycling Pickup Up 01/04/21 UPDATED 01/06/2021 New Calendar Posted

As most everyone is aware, the calendar that Waste Management sent us was wrong and the recycling did not get picked up on the 4th as the calendar stated.  Recycling will get picked up on the 11th and will be every other week.  I am working with Waste Management to get new calendars to everyone and one that I can post on the website for everyone to print.  They also had the wrong Phone number on the calendar.  The correct phone number is 920-568-2510.  Please communicate this information to your neighbors and I will keep everyone updated on this and get the new calendar posted as quickly as I can.


Tim Tollefson


UPDATED AND CORRECT 2021 Refuse and Garbage Collection Calendar

In your tax bills you received a calandar for Refuse and Recycling Dates.  The number on that calendar may not work.  On the attached calendar is a phone number that should work.  That number is 920-568-2510. 

You should be able to click on the above link and it will upload.  If it does not then please copy and paste to your web address line.