The next date to put out bulk items for Advanced to pick up is January 13th, 2020. Bulk items include White Goods (kitchen applicances) furniture including mattresses and electronics items such as TVs, Vcrs, Computers, Computer screens. There is a complete list under community on our website. Please call these items in to Advanced by January 10th at 3pm. The number to call in is 1-800-248-2373 and give them a list of items you have for pick up. This will determin what truck will be sent for pick-up.
Caucus for Spring Election January 13, 2020
The caucus for the spring election will be held on January 13th, 2020 at the Town Hall. Please see the attached notice.
2020 Refuse/Recycling Dates Posted
The 2020 Refuse and Recyling pickup dates are now posted under community.
Dog License. The 2020 Dog License Application is now posted
The 2020 Dog License Application is now posted under Community, Forms and Permits, Application Dog License. You will also be receiving a copy in your tax bill.
Tim Tollefson
State Rep Amy Loudenbeck Holding Office Hours in Harmony
State Rep. Amy Loundenbeck will be holding office hours in the Town of Harmony to meet one-on-one with constituents. The office hours will be 3 pm to 4:30 pm on Tuesday December 17th at the Town Hall located at 440 N Highway 14, Janesville.
Next Years Elections
As we head into next year and prepare for the elections, I will be posting information on each election as we approach each one. One thing to watch for are registration forms and absentee voter letters or forms you may receive in the mail. It will come with a return envelope and have voter registration applications or applications for absentee voting. These are not sent out by this office, the county clerks office or the state of Wisconsin. My recomendation is to not use these as a large percentage of these are not filled out incorrectly or are missing required information. Which means that I must contact the person who sends it to me and request if be filled out correctly or to provide missing documentation. My recomendation is to either use or to come into my office and fill out the paperwork. takes only a few minutes to fill out and your done. The information on your drivers license or state ID must match your current address. I recommend that you read through the information on our website, it is listed under Government and then click on Election Information. Any questions please call. Thanks Tim Tollefson, Clerk Town of Harmony
Happy Thanksgiving
We hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
The next Town Board Meeting will be December 9th
Notice of Spring Election
Attached is the Notice of Spring Election and a list of local offices on the Ballot for the April 7, 2020 election.
Comprehensive Plan Meetings
November 11, 2019 we will have the next Comprehensive Planning Meeting. See attached Agenda
2020 Proposed Budget
The attached file is the proposed budget for 2020. Over the next couple of weeks till about November 15th, the budget will adjust as there are several numbers the State provides that at this point are estimates from the state. As I receive these numbers I will enter these on the proposed budget and update it. Then on Nov 18th we will have a budget meeting to approve the levi increase and budget. For those that wonder how their property taxes are spread out I have attached a second file that shows how much the Town of Harmony receives from the property taxes you pay. Just over 8 cents per dollar paid comes to Harmony. Take a look.