Town Board Meeting August 14, 2019 at 7pm

See Agenda.  If the link does not work on your computer go to meetings and agenda and download from there.

Townline Road Closure

The DOT has changed the road closing on MH Townline Road closure.  MH Townline Road will close on Friday July 26th for just one day.  It will reopen on the night of July 26th.  There will be a road closure at a later date and I will post that info when I have it.  

MH Townline Road Closure UPDATE

Townline Road opened for about 10 days but will be closing again on Wednesday July 24, 2019 for 30 days.  This is the area under the I 39/90 bridge between Kennedy Road and Newville Road.  It is expected to be closed for 30 days.  It is expected that the Kennedy Road closure will reopen on July 31, 2019.  Keep your eyes on this as I will update when I have new information. 

Maps for Starview Heights Engineering work

Below is the link to the maps from the Starview Heights meeting.  If it does not work by a simple click, move your curser over and right click and click on go to or you can copy and put in your web address bar at the top. The first one is the plan for the profile of the ditiches and the second one are the plans to west or east with the stormwater.

How are my tax dollars split up?

Attached is a breakout of how your property tax dollars are split up.  As you will see the township receives only 10 cents for each dollar you pay in taxes.  If your tax bill is $2000 the town receives $200. 

MH Townline Road Closure

Otherwise known as you can’t get there from here.  Starting Wednesday MH Townline road will be closed at the I90 Bridge between Kennedy Road and Newville Road.  The closure is expected to last for a month.  Reminder that Kennedy Road is also closed at the I90 bridge. Emergency services has been informed of all closures.  

Board of Review Meeting

The board of review will be held on June 5, 2019 from 6pm to 8pm.  Residents may challenge their accessment for 2019.  If you are going to challenge, please contact the Town Clerk as forms will need to be filled out at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.