Internet Speed Reporting

Rock County needs your help in spreading the word about expanding broadband access throughout Rock County.

The State of WI. will be receiving approximately $1.0 Billion in federal BEAD funds for broadband access, particularly in rural areas. Eligibility for funding is based upon broadband speed.

If a home or business has less than 100 Mbps download/20 Mbps upload speed, it can qualify.

The State has developed a map showing where areas are eligible for funding and what areas are already served by adequate broadband access.

If a resident/business falls under the 100/20 Mbps threshold, they are eligible for funding. Funding will start to be distributed later this year and continue into 2025.

Unfortunately, the state data shows that only approximately 7% of Rock County appears to qualify BUT the County has the possibility to challenge the accuracy of the map.  See the map at 

You can drill down to your address and click on your address.  a box will pop up and show you what options are out their for your location.  If that is not accurate see below.

If the state map shows a site being above the speed criteria but the resident or business encounters slow broadband speed, they can document it & send to Rock County. The County will submit a challenge that could make the site eligible for broadband funds. Challenges need to be submitted to Rock County by May 20.

Send to [email protected] 

Attached is a promotional flyer that directs the participant to a state map that a participant can drill down to their home or business.

Please encourage your contacts to check the state map listed on the attached flyer to see if their household/business is correct as to broadband service.

Please see the BEAD challenge power point below.

Power Point Presentation Click Here 

Randy Terronez

Rock County Broadband Contact/Asst. to County Administrator


[email protected]