Budget Hearing and Meeting of Electors

This will be a review of the 2020 Budet and then a meeting of electors to approve the 2020 Levi. https://townofharmony.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/11-18-19-Budget-Hearing-and-Meeting-of-Electors.pdf


Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting is Scheduled for Thursday May 21st at 7pm.  This will be an inperson and zoom meeting. We must limit the number of people at the town hall to 11.  

Open Book

Open book with the Town's assessor is scheduled for June 22nd, 2020 from 2pm to 6pm.  See the link below https://townofharmony.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/06-22-20-Open-Book-Posting.docx  

Board Of Review

Board of Review is scheduled on July 14, 2020 from 6pm to 8pm.  See link below. https://townofharmony.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/2020-BOR-first-notice-for-July-14-2020-Posting-1.doc  

City of Milton City Council Meeting For Fire/EMS

There will be a City of Milton Council meeting on July 6, 2021 at 6pm to discuss the Fire/EMS services and recommendations from the Wisconsin Policy Forum.  There may be a quourm of the Town of Harmony Board in attendance for informaiton gathering purposes only. No other Town Business will be discussed.

Harmony Open Book Session

Please see the attached file https://townofharmony.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/HARMONY-OPEN-BOOK-POSTING.pdf  

Open Book

Open Book is a time for residents to come and discuss the assessed value of their property.  Today from 12 to 5:30  

Board of Review 7pm to 9pm

Board of Review tonight.  Board of review is where you make a case to the Town Board, that your property a different value than the assessed value. Board of Review Agenda Board of Review Agenda Click Here      Please read through the spotlight area of the landing page.