Spring Election Caucus

The Caucus for the April Spring Election will be held on January 7, 2019 at 7pm, just prior to the regularly scheduled Town Board Meeting.  

In-person Absentee Voting

In Person Absentee Voting at the Town Hall, 440 US Hwy 14 east

In-person Absentee Voting

In Person Absentee Voting at the Town Hall, 440 US Hwy 14 east

In-person Absentee Voting

In Person Absentee Voting at the Town Hall, 440 US Hwy 14 east

Caucus for the spring Election

The Caucus for the spring election will be on January 13th 2020 at 7pm.  Please see the attached notice.   https://townofharmony.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/1-13-2020-Caucus.pdf