Town Causus for Spring Elections


Notice is hereby given that a Town caucus for the Town of Harmony will be held at the Harmony Town Hall, 440 N. Hwy 14, Janesville at 7:00 p.m. on January 11, 2010, for the purpose of nominating cancicates for two supervisor posistions for the Town of Harmony to be voted on at the ensuing town election which will be held on April 6, 2010.

Regular Town Board Meeting Notice


The Harmony Town Board will meet at 7 p.m. Monday January 4, 2010 at the Harmony Town Hall, 440 N. Hwy 14, Janesville.

Items on the agenda include discussion and possible action on the following: snow removal at East Rotamer Road sidwalks, Rock County Humane Society 2010 contract, and building inspector position. Regular items on the agenda include approval of bills, reports from the treasurer, building inspector and zoning offiecer, and upcoming events.

A quorum of the Planning and Zoning committe may attend this meeting for information gathering purposes.

Meetings are open to the public and town residents are encouraged to attend.


Regular Town Board Meeting Notice


Rock County, Wisconsin

Office of the Clerk:
Jodi Parson
5911 North Jones Drive
Milton, WI 53563
(608) 868-6065


The Harmony Town Board will meet at 7:00 p.m., Monday, December 7, 2009 at the Harmony Town Hall, 440 N. Hwy. 14, Janesville.

Items on the agenda include discussion and possible action on the following: resolution for removal of stop sign at Townline and Milton-Shopiere, Milton/Milton Township 2010 EMS contract, Rock County Humane Society 2010 contract, Rock County Public Works 2010 contract, set date for caucus, appoint election workers . Regular items on the agenda include approval of bills, reports from the treasurer, building inspector and zoning officer, and upcoming events. 

A quorum of the Planning and Zoning Committee may attend this meeting for information gathering purposes.

Meetings are open to the public and town residents are encouraged to attend. The town clerk may be reached at 868-6065. Our website address is 


Budget Public Hearing


Rock County, Wisconsin

Office of the Clerk:
Jodi Parson
5911 North Jones Drive
Milton, WI 53563
(608) 868-6065


Notice is hereby given that on November 2, 2009 at 6:45 p.m. at the Harmony Town Hall, a public hearing on the proposed 2010 budget of the Town of Harmony will be held. The proposed budget in detail is available for inspection at the Town Clerk?s office by appointment (608) 868-6065.
Immediately following completion of the public hearing on the proposed budget, a special town meeting of electors called pursuant to Section 60.12(1)(c) of Wisconsin Statutes will be held for the following purpose:
1. To adopt the 2009 town tax levy to be paid in 2010 pursuant to Section
60.10(1)(a) of Wisconsin Statutes.
2. To set the compensation of the elected town officials for the term of office beginning April 13, 2010 pursuant to Section 60.32 of Wisconsin Statutes.

Town of Harmony Budget Summary 2010

2009 Budget 2010 Budget % Change
Town tax $179,389 $185,185 3%
Delinquent personal property 0 4,000
1st Dollar Credit 0 1,400
Intergovernmental Revenues 170,358 158,977
Licenses & Permits 15,900 18,100
Fines & Penalties 2,200 100
Public Charges for Services 100,720 106,700
Intergovernmental Charges 350 500
Miscellaneous 21,800 9,240
Total Revenues 490,717 484,202
Fund Balance Transfer 15,180 21,159
Total Revenues including 
Fund Balance Transfer 505,897 505,361 -.1%

General Government 129,116 123,764
Public Safety 19,965 18,446
Fire Service 71,740 83,000 
Public Works 270,114 269,656
Health & Human Services 1,900 2,025
Culture, Recreation, & Education 250 250
Conservation & Development 12,312 7,970
Miscellaneous 500 250
Total Expenditures 505,897 505,361 -.1%

Dated this 15 day of October, 2009
Jodi Parson, Clerk, Town of Harmony

Regular Town Board Meeting Notice


Rock County, Wisconsin

Office of the Clerk:
Jodi Parson
5911 North Jones Drive
Milton, WI 53563
(608) 868-6065


The Town of Harmony will hold the public hearing for the budget at 6:45p.m., on Monday, November 2, 2009 at the Harmony Town Hall, 440 N. Hwy. 14, Janesville. Immediately following the public hearing, a special meeting of electors will be called to order to adopt the 2009 Town tax levy and to set the compensation of elected officials.

Immediately following the special meeting of electors, no earlier than 7:00 p.m., the Harmony Town Board will meet. Items on the agenda include discussion and possible action on the following: Milton/Milton Township Fire Department contract and SVRS (statewide voter registration system) contract with Rock County Regular items on the agenda include approval of bills, reports from the treasurer, building inspector and zoning officer, and upcoming events. 

A quorum of the Planning and Zoning Committee may attend this meeting for information gathering purposes.

Meetings are open to the public and town residents are encouraged to attend. The town clerk may be reached at 868-6065.

Regular Town Board Meeting Notice



The Harmony Town Board will meet at 6:30 p.m., Monday, October 5, 2009 at the Harmony Town Hall, 440 N. Hwy. 14, Janesville.

Items on the agenda include discussion and possible action on the following: rezoning application of Lubertdale Farms, vacated position on Board of Adjustment and set date budget working session. Regular items on the agenda include approval of bills, reports from the treasurer, building inspector and zoning officer, and upcoming events. 

A quorum of the Planning and Zoning Committee may attend this meeting for information gathering purposes.

Meetings are open to the public and town residents are encouraged to attend. The town clerk may be reached at 868-6065. Our website address is 

Regular Town Board Meeting Notice



The Harmony Town Board will meet at 7:00 p.m., Monday, August 3, 2009 at the Harmony Town Hall, 440 N. Hwy. 14, Janesville.

Items on the agenda include a public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan 2035, amendment to the zoning ordinance to reflect that a building permit is not required for the installation of antenna, and amendment to the zoning ordinance to allow non-conforming structures as a conditional use. The agenda will also include discussion and possible action on the following: Comprehensive Plan 2035, amendment to the zoning ordinance to reflect that a building permit is not required for the installation of antenna, and amendment to the zoning ordinance to allow non-conforming structures as a conditional use, outdoor wood burning stoves, 2010 fire contract, 2010 Rock County winter fee, vacated position on Board of Adjustment, appointment of Clerk position and set date for September meeting. Regular items on the agenda include approval of bills, reports from the treasurer, building inspector and zoning officer, and upcoming events. 

A quorum of the Planning and Zoning Committee may attend this meeting for information gathering purposes.

Meetings are open to the public and town residents are encouraged to attend. The town clerk may be reached at 868-6065. Our website address is 

Public Hearing



PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held before the Town Board of the Town of Harmony at a meeting scheduled for August 3, 2009, at 7:00 P.M. at the Harmony Town Hall, 440 N. Highway 14, Janesville, WI. The purpose of this public hearing will be to hear public comment on the following:

Public hearing to amend chapter 1 of the zoning ordinance and chapter 14 of the building code, to clarify that a building permit is not necessary for the addition of an antenna to an existing tower.

All persons having an interest in these proposed changes are encouraged to attend and offer their comments.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held before the Town Board of the Town of Harmony at a meeting scheduled for August 3, 2009, at 7:00 P.M. at the Harmony Town Hall, 440 N. Highway 14, Janesville, WI. The purpose of this public hearing will be to hear public comment on the following:

Public hearing to amend chapter 1 of the municipal code, the zoning ordinance, to allow non-conforming structures as a conditional use.

All persons having an interest in these proposed changes are encouraged to attend and offer their comments.

Regular Town Board Meeting Notice



The Harmony Town Board will meet at 7:00 p.m., Monday, July 6, 2009 at the Harmony Town Hall, 440 N. Hwy. 14, Janesville.

Items on the agenda include discussion and possible action on the following: outdoor wood burning stoves, dog ordinance, 2010 fire contract, 2010 Rock County winter fee, and resignation of Clerk. Regular items on the agenda include approval of bills, reports from the treasurer, building inspector and zoning officer, and upcoming events. 

A quorum of the Planning and Zoning Committee may attend this meeting for information gathering purposes.

Meetings are open to the public and town residents are encouraged to attend. The town clerk may be reached at 868-6065. Our website address is 

Regular Town Board Meeting Notice



The Harmony Town Board will meet at 7:00 p.m., Monday, June 1, 2009 at the Harmony Town Hall, 440 N. Hwy. 14, Janesville.

Items on the agenda include discussion and possible action on the following: outdoor wood burning stoves, dog ordinance, 2010 fire contract, timeline of goals, objectives and policies for the Comprehensive plan, economic development chapter of the Comprehensive plan, intergovernmental cooperation chapter of the Comprehensive plan, implementation chapter of the Comprehensive plan, attorney retainer fee and per meeting cost, and expiring seat on planning & zoning committee. Regular items on the agenda include approval of bills, reports from the treasurer, building inspector and zoning officer, and upcoming events. 

A quorum of the Planning and Zoning Committee may attend this meeting for information gathering purposes.

Meetings are open to the public and town residents are encouraged to attend. The town clerk may be reached at 868-6065. Our website address is