Special Town Meeting



The Town of Harmony will hold this special town meeting for the purpose of disposing of real property owned by the town on Monday, February 3, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. at the Harmony Town Hall, 440 N. U.S. Hwy. 14, Janesville. The property in question is a small sliver of land that was formerly part of the road right of way before the realignment of the US Hwy 14 curve near Mid-State Equipment. The special meeting is an open meeting of the electors and residents are encouraged to attend. A majority of Town Board members may be present and may participate in the meeting.

Lisa Tollefson, Clerk
Town of Harmony

Posted Jan. 16, 2014
Published Jan. 16 & 23, 2014

Property Inspection Notice


All Property Owners in the
Town of Harmony, Rock County, Wisconsin

The town assessor, J&D Pounder Inc., will be beginning a four year property inspection cycle in January 2014. The first year of the inspection cycle, 2014, will include all properties in Voting Ward 5. Voting Ward 5 includes all the properties between Henke Road and Tarrant Road in the Town of Harmony. Yearly inspections will also include parcels with building permits issued and any requests from property owners. 

WI Statutes 943.13(4m)(d) and 943.15(1m) allow the assessor or staff to enter land or construction site if all the following conditions are met:
1. Assessor’s purpose is to make a property inspection
2. Entry occurs on a weekday during day light (unless other agreed upon time.)
3. Visit is no more than one hour on the land.
4. No opening or entering doors or looking in windows.
5. Assessor leaves a notice of the visit and contract information in a prominent place on principal building or land.
6. Assessor has not received notice from the owner denying permission to enter.

If you are not home, notice will be left on your door or prominent place by J&D Pounder Inc. to schedule an appointment. If you would like to schedule an appointment in advance of the initial visit, please contact the Assessor at 262-728-2256 or 877-202-6682.

If you would like to deny permission to enter, please write to J&D Pounder Inc., at N4734 County Rd. M, Delavan, WI 53115. Failure to schedule an interior inspection, or denying the Assessor access to the property, may result in an assessment based on the Assessor’s estimate or numerous factors regarding improvements. If the Assessor is denied permission to inspect, an equitable assessment cannot be guaranteed and property owners may not be allowed to appear before the Board of Review.

Thank you for you cooperation in this matter,
Lisa Tollefson, Town Clerk, Town of Harmony


Notice of Town of Harmony Caucus for Spring Election


Notice is hereby given that a Town caucus for the Town of Harmony will be held at the Harmony Town Hall, 440 N. Hwy. 14, Janesville at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 13, 2014, for the purpose of nominating candidates for two Town Board Supervisor positions for the Town of Harmony to be voted on at the ensuing town election which will be held on April 1, 2014.

Published January 2, 2014
Lisa Tollefson, Town of Harmony Clerk

Notice of Spring Elecion


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at an election to be held in the Town of Harmony on Tuesday, April 1, 2014, the following offices are to be elected to succeed the present incumbents listed. All terms are for two years beginning Tuesday, April 15, 2014.
Town Board Supervisor Chuck Hanauska
Town Board Supervisor Bill Barlass

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that a town caucus for the purpose of nominating candidates to appear on the spring election ballot for the above listed offices will be scheduled during the month of December. The caucus will be held on a date not sooner than January 7, 2014 and not later than January 28, 2014. Notice of the scheduled date of the caucus will be given at least five days before the caucus.

Done in the Town of Harmony,
on November 21, 2013
Lisa Tollefson, Town of Harmony Clerk