Great Lakes Basin Railroad Information

As I mentioned in my e-update on March 18, the Surface Transportation Board (STB) has opened the public comment period for the proposed Great Lakes Basin Rail Line.

A public hearing will be held in Janesville on April 18, 2016 at

5:30 p.m.-8 p.m., in the Craig High School cafeteria, 401 South Randall St.

The map below illustrates the area that will be studied in the environmental impact statement (EIS) scoping process.

Please note that the route could be modified substantially and the STB's analysis may include alternative routes within 30 miles of the proposed route.

The yellow shaded area is an approximation of the potentially impacted area. Please feel free to share this information with your friends and neighbors as the public comment period is already underway and ends June 15, 2016.

2016-Apr-14_Great Lakes Basin Railroad Information

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