Town Board Meeting



The Harmony Town Board will meet at 7:00 p.m., Monday, July 1, 2013 at the Harmony Town Hall, 440 N. Hwy. 14, Janesville.

This meeting will include discussion and possible action on Farmland Preservation, 2013 road construction, forming a committee for future road work planning, lowering the speed limit on a portion of E Rotamer Rd. and the loan application for the M-H Townline Road construction project. Regular items on the agenda include approval of bills, reports from the treasurer, building inspector and zoning officer, and upcoming events. 

A quorum of the Planning and Zoning Committee may attend this meeting for information gathering purposes. 

Meetings are open to the public and town residents are encouraged to attend. The town clerk may be reached at 868-6065. Our website address is